Obsolescence management in industry

sécurité des données

Obsolescence is an ever-present notion in our society, where everything is constantly changing. It is defined by the inability to obtain a certain product on the market, for whatever reason. Reasons for obsolescence include technological progress, natural resource depletion, supplier bankruptcy, geopolitical conflicts and regulations.


Obsolescence is part of the industry’s current business model, representing both a risk and an opportunity. Obsolescence is the fourth phase in a product’s life cycle. After the phases of launch, growth and maturation comes the phase of decline, culminating in product obsolescence and exit from the market. In the industrial sector, obsolescence concerns the materials, chemicals and equipment used in the production process. The two main risks associated with obsolescence are a logistical breakdown due to the obsolescence of a component in the production chain, and an increase in prices and delivery times for components at the end of their life cycle.


Managing obsolescence is a strategic challenge for industrial companies. It is an essential step in a preventive maintenance approach to ensure the logistical continuity of production. It also concerns design issues dealt with by engineering departments, such as anticipating solutions for replacing an obsolete product. Adopting a proactive obsolescence policy is an essential part of the company’s overall risk management approach.

A number of actions can be taken to better manage obsolescence-related issues. First, obsolescence needs to be prevented, identified and analyzed, then action plans (preventive or curative) need to be drawn up and implemented.

Elle est également en charge de la formation constante des employés de BASSETTI, sur les meilleures pratiques en matière de sécurité, et organise régulièrement des formations conçues en fonction de leur profil professionnel.


To avoid the surprise effect, it is necessary to set up a preventive procedure to detect the risks of obsolescence. This involves a phase of anticipation and development of preventive action plans. To achieve this, the company’s experts must be aware of obsolescence processes and be able to anticipate the risks of such a phenomenon. At this stage, the integration of obsolescence monitoring software tools is essential. The aim is to accurately determine the level of availability of products and their entry into a phase of decline. At the same time, we need to monitor changes in regulations concerning substances hazardous to the environment and human health (REACh, RoHS), or concerning materials from conflict zones (Conflict Minerals).

  • Les tests dits en « boîtes noire » : l’URL est communiquée aux testeurs qui vont ensuite tenter de s’introduire dans la solution.
  • Les tests dits en « boîtes grise » : en plus de l’URL, on communique aux testeurs certaines informations dont notamment un compte utilisateur.
  • Les tests dits en « boîtes blanche » : ils sont en général réalisés en interne chez BASSETTI afin de pouvoir examiner le fonctionnement des solutions ainsi que leurs structures internes.


AAfin de pouvoir assurer une sécurité maximale de ses outils, BASSETTI propose des “Packs Sécurités”, et accompagne ainsi ses clients dans une démarche sécurité la plus globale possible vis-à-vis des différents périmètres couverts par la solution TEEXMA. Nos experts sécurités prennent par exemple contact avec les SOC (Security Operation Center) lorsqu’il en existe, ou avec la DSI, de façon à les conseiller sur la meilleur façon de surveiller les fichiers de logs (fichiers regroupant l’intégralité des événements exécutés dans la solution, et classés par ordre chronologique) propre à notre application, mais également sur la gestion des droits ou encore l’authentification par exemple. Ainsi, le client est autonome et à même de détecter des éventuelles tentatives d’intrusion ou requêtes non habituels dans leur(s) application(s) TEEXMA.


The obsolescence impact analysis phase is fundamental. It is very useful to have quantified information on the company’s state of health in the event of substance obsolescence, production stoppage, embargo, etc. These potential risks can have a significant impact on production processes, suppliers, customers, sales and finished products. Once the extent of the obsolescence risk has been defined and its impact identified, action plans (preventive or curative) need to be drawn up. All management data (schedule, participants, operations, milestone tracking) are grouped together in a single repository and structured using modular tools (GANTT diagram, decision trees, workflow, etc.). When a project is completed, the results are analyzed using trend curves and statistics. In addition, it is important to think about the treatment of obsolete materials and equipment, particularly in terms of recycling, reuse…

Having a complete database at your disposal, listing all the properties of materials and chemical substances, all changes in legislation, and proposing alternatives to the products used in the event of obsolescence, is a strategic asset for centralizing tools and controlling risks.


Via la Security Team, BASSETTI a mis en place un département maintenance dédié à la sécurité logicielle. Celui-ci est séparé en deux services :

  • The so-called ‘reactive’ service: made up of a response team that will cover a possible incident in order to provide telephone assistance or even physically assist the operational teams. This team is responsible for detecting, isolating and mitigating the threat.

  • Proactive’ department: the role of this department is to ensure awareness of potential vulnerabilities and to monitor the infrastructure, the technologies used, security audits and intrusion tests, vulnerability checks and even various comments from users, for example.

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