Materials & Processes: Why track and enhance feedback ?

Robert L. Stevenson said, “It’s not the destination that matters, it’s the journey.” And how could the father of Treasure Island be wrong? As he explored the world, the British novelist was determined to tell of these adventures in a multitude of books, in order to share his daily life. And this is undoubtedly what gives a lot of depth to his novels, because you don't go from point a A to point B; but from A to Z without omitting any letter. For it is the whole story that has value, not just the beginning and the end.


What are the compatibilities between the processes? For which environment is the product intended? These are all questions that, once put into context, greatly enhance the value of the associated information. In the design process, and taking into account the challenges of materials, we never start from a blank page to create a new product, we rely on past experiences. In this case, the collection of lessons-learned (REX) is carried out to make the best use of internal knowledge, the company’s real asset.
With a view to the continuous improvement of technical practice, the sharing of experience serves two purposes :
Analyzing the past
Plan future actions
These actions, which are necessary to improve practice, reduce the risk of repeating the same mistakes as in the past, stimulate innovation and improve team responsiveness and product quality.


In the specific case of the collection of REX on materials and processes, it is interesting to note that the choice of a material is not only made on the basis of technical criteria, but often based on experience gained. This clearly demonstrates the importance of access to this disseminated knowledge. This knowledge and know-how must also lead, in addition to substantial lessons, to the implementation of action plans. Whether through the creation of communities of practice or even modification of the design process, the capitalization of REX must be recognized as an important issue in companies. And therefore, that adequate resources be invested in it. Especially since the traceability of REX is an even more crucial issue, consisting in optimizing efficiency, because from collaboration between the actors of the different departments, the value of intangible capital is born.
In addition, the construction of an ordered repository can be a first good practice in order to combine the capitalisation of REX and the management of material data.
If you would like to know more about the creation of databases, helping to capitalize on REX, among other things, do not hesitate to register for our Webinar:
Tuesday of Materials happening next on May 16th, 2019:
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