Maintenance software for local authorities

Optimizing the management of local authority operations: digitalization for better organization

Visit intervention management represents a key challenge for many organizations, particularly for communities which manage a wide range of infrastructures, equipment, street furniture, etc. Efficient management not only helps to improve agent productivitybut also to guarantee quality and speed of interventions. Cela permet, en fin de processus, de limiter le temps d’indisponibilité des services et équipements publics et d’améliorer la satisfaction des usagers et citoyens. Dans ce contexte, de nombreuses institutions, territoires et collectivités se sont dotées d’outils informatiques pour suivre les différentes activités dont l’efficacité reste bien souvent insuffisante.

The purpose of this article is to define the players involved in response management, the challenges they face on a daily basis, and the tools they need to optimize response management in your community.

Intervention management for the various community parties and departments.

By its very nature, a territory requires a number of services to carry out the general interest interventions they manage. These activities apply to numerous services and sub-services within local authorities. For example, at town hall level, there are the development and technical departments: major projects, architecture, mobility, green spaces, housing, waste management, etc. These departments may be called different names or organized differently depending on the local organization. These departments may, however, be called different names or organized differently, depending on the local organization.

In addition to the departments directly involved in carrying out the various projects, a whole ecosystem of players is also involved. a whole ecosystem of players that can be involved in these activities, enabling the entire process to be managed.

Requests for action can come from team managers, elected representatives, field operatives or even the general public. On the other hand, there is also a multiplicity of players wishing to know the status and reporting of activities to meet a variety of objectives. Team managers, for example, need to know how their teams are operating; elected representatives need to know how to make informed decisions; and citizens increasingly want to know how public organizations are performing. This plurality calls for a multi-part, multi-service organization.

The day-to-day challenges faced by local authorities in managing their operations

There are many challenges that communities face in their day-to-day operations. These challenges include the following:

  • Control public spending and maintenance costs,
  • Speed up response times,
  • Rationalize the number of digital tools used and harmonize inter-departmental operations,
  • Simplify monitoring and reporting of activities carried out/to be carried out,
  • Work collaboratively within a single structuring tool,
  • Involve agents through the use of simple field tools,
  • Improve communication and visibility of team activities,
  • Make informed decisions thanks to reliable, easy-to-access data,
  • Secure your information system and benefit from today’s technological advances,
  • And many more.

In many cases there is no shared, structured, flexible tool for managing these activities important both financially and in terms of necessity. It is then difficult to use experience and reliable data for new projects. Par exemple, il est ainsi compliqué de déterminer où implanter des caméras de manière prioritaire si l’on ne peut accéder facilement à l’historique des emplacements d’incivilités. Comment définir le juste et nécessaire nombre et emplacement de corbeilles, sans exploiter l’historique des verbalisations ou dépôts sauvages. Autant de questions auxquelles il existe une réponse, à découvrir ci-après.

For more mature communities, we find the use of numerous numerous IT systems scattered throughout the community which do not communicate with each other. Bien qu’efficace à leur échelle, la prise de hauteur à l’échelle multi-service en est complexe. Tout particulièrement pour les recoupements et comparaisons inter-services. Cela implique des différences de fonctionnement et de gestion, pas toujours souhaitées ou souhaitables. Il est aussi noté que la multiplicity of tools makes it complex and costly to maintain the security (cybersecurity risk) of the information system.

After 30 years’ experience supporting the private sector and certain state bodies in managing their operations, BASSETTI Group is now offering local authorities a unique tool that is flexible, customizable, collaborative, mobile and adapted to local conditions, with its Maintenance software – TEEXMA for Maintenance. TEEXMA for Maintenance

The 12 essential maintenance software functions for managing maintenance operations

    1. Rights and privacy : Allows you to manage multiple teams while offering great flexibility in rights management to adapt confidentiality and user rights for each team, see user.

    2. Asset inventory : Allows you to reference the assets and spaces maintained by the community, whether buildings, equipment, trees or green spaces, etc., using dynamic forms adapted to each type.

    3. Citizen application: Allows you to benefit from local information and to declare incivilities, incidents, requests for assistance, etc., while centralizing all requests in a single tool.

    4. Declarant portal : Allows users to declare incidents or intervention requirements, while tracking their status. It is particularly well suited to elected teams.

    5. Service planning : This module enables you to improve the organization of interventions according to their priority, while respecting the team’s available workload.

    6. Regulatory and periodic inspections: Allows you to configure work intervals and monitor the performance of these regulatory or non-regulatory periodic interventions.

    7. Mobile Agents application: Notifies agents in the field of new missions, and enables them to contribute in real time to data capitalization (exact geolocation, photos, reports, intervention classification, time spent, etc.).

    8. Subcontracting : Allows you to plan external interventions and capitalize on the data supplied by these subcontractors, who can access the application via a secure portal to publish reports and/or data collected in the tool.

    9. The must-have Interactive cartography A key lever for optimizing the management of local authority projects. It has become an essential lever for optimizing the management of local authority interventions, providing decision-makers with a real-time view of equipment status and interventions in progress, as well as enabling operatives to know the location of their interventions.

    10. Route optimization Allows routes to be defined automatically according to the location of the intervention.

    11. Life files : Access and search the history of known and referenced interventions on an asset.

    12. Reporting is essential for analyzing the performance of teams and utilities. With automated reports, real-time graphical indicators and map-based reports, it’s possible to monitor and make informed decisions.

Towards smoother, more optimized service management

Streamline service management is an imperative for any organization wishing to improve efficiency and responsiveness. Using modern tools such as mapping, mobility and automated reporting, it is possible to optimize the intervention process, while at the same time enhancing the value of agents’ work in the field.

In this way, effective contributes to improving not only operational performance, but also team and stakeholder satisfaction.

Also, by collecting reliable data, we can improve the effectiveness of the measures we take.