Environmental Aspects Inventory

Reflect the organization through a hierarchical view by establishments or by activity and list all associated environmental aspects.

Inventaire des aspects environnementaux

TEEXMA®</ for Environment:
Environmental Aspects Inventory Module

Opt for the Environmental Aspects Inventory module within TEEXMA®</ for Environment to effectively manage your aspects library


Simply the changes within the organization in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard


Cover all sites, areas, and activities of your organization to facilitate environmental analysis


Environmental analysis in a single shared database with the EvRP (Environmental Risk Assessment) and chemical risk assessment


Environmental aspects through steering documents

The features of the Environmental Aspects Inventory module of TEEXMA®</ for Environment

vue et arborescences

Tree view

This module provides a tree view of your entire organization.

This view can be done by establishment, by activity, or by stage of the product lifecycle, with possible analysis at all levels (establishments, activities, stages of the product lifecycle...), shared with professional or chemical risk assessments, for example

Liste des aspects environnementaux

List of environmental aspects

Map the environmental aspects of activities through customizable content libraries, allowing you to work from a unique repository tailored to your operations.

Consider both normal and exceptional conditions


Customizable content

Define your activities one by one: raw material consumption, energy consumption, noise emissions, water discharges, releases into soil and subsoil, etc.

Activities are then detailed into environmental aspects

The benefits of our solution


Environmental performance of different entities by mapping environmental aspects and impacts


Environmental data to demonstrate the effective management of the aspects and impacts of your activities


from pre-existing environmental aspect reference materials within the software, customizable based on your industry


Certification to ISO 14001, MASE, and any other environmental compliance regulations specific to your industry

Environmental Compliance Management Software

Environmental Compliance Management Software | SDS, REACH – ROHS

Environmental Compliance Management Software | Obsolescence Management, Workplace Safety, Risk Management, Safety Data Sheet

Environmental Aspects Inventory

Reflect the organization through a hierarchical view by establishments or by activity and list all associated environmental aspects.

TEEXMA®</ for Environment :
Environmental Aspects Inventory Module

Opt for the Environmental Aspects Inventory module within TEEXMA®</ for Environment to effectively manage your aspects library


Simply the changes within the organization in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard


Cover all sites, areas, and activities of your organization to facilitate environmental analysis


L’analyse environnementale dans une base de données unique partagée avec l’EvRP et l’évaluation du risque chimique.


Environmental aspects through steering documents

The features of the Environmental Aspects Inventory module of TEEXMA®</ for Environment

vue et arborescences

Tree view

This module provides a tree view of your entire organization. This view can be done by establishment, by activity, or by stage of the product lifecycle, with possible analysis at all levels (establishments, activities, stages of the product lifecycle...), shared with professional or chemical risk assessments, for example

Liste des aspects environnementaux

List of environmental aspects

Map the environmental aspects of activities through customizable content libraries, allowing you to work from a unique repository tailored to your operations. Consider both normal and exceptional conditions


Customizable content

Define your activities one by one: raw material consumption, energy consumption, noise emissions, water discharges, releases into soil and subsoil, etc. Activities are then detailed into environmental aspects

The benefits of our solution


Environmental performance of different entities by mapping environmental aspects and impacts


Environmental data to demonstrate the effective management of the aspects and impacts of your activities


from pre-existing environmental aspect reference materials within the software, customizable based on your industry


Certification to ISO 14001, MASE, and any other environmental compliance regulations specific to your industry